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类型:剧情  美国  2016 

主演:约瑟夫·劳伦斯 莱特·艾琳·贝克尔 比尔·恩格瓦尔 




In the story "A Day as a Venting Toy," the protagonist is a little teddy bear who has been used as a stress reliever by its owner, Amy. Throughout the day, Amy continuously throws, squeezes, and kicks the teddy bear whenever she feels frustrated or angry. Despite being treated roughly, the teddy bear proudly stays strong and resilient. Over time, it secretly comes up with a plan to inspire Amy to find healthier ways of coping with her emotions. Through its gentle presence and cute gestures, the teddy bear eventually helps Amy realize that there are alternative methods for expressing and managing her feelings besides taking them out on others.


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