当前位置 首页 剧情片 《airdrop》


类型:剧情  日本  2006 

主演:中谷美纪 永山瑛太 香川照之 市川实日子 伊势谷友介 柄本明 黑泽明日 




《Airdrop》 is a gripping thriller that unfolds amidst the chaos of war-torn terrain. In a war-ravaged country, a secret government mission named "Airdrop" aims to provide humanitarian aid to desperate civilians. When an unexpected ambush leads to the capture of American soldiers, it's up to their resourceful leader to rescue them and complete their mission. With time running out and danger lurking at every corner, they navigate treacherous landscapes facing both enemies and allies with questionable loyalties. Will they survive not only the brutalities of war but also the internal conflicts within themselves? A tense and heart-pounding story unfolds as Airdrop takes you on an adrenaline-fueled journey of survival, sacrifice, and loyalty in the face of adversity.


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